Data Collection
Our analytics service collects the following information from your website visitors:
- Page views and URLs visited
- Referrer sources
- Browser and device information
- Country and timezone (based on IP address)
- Session duration
Data Processing
We process collected data to provide:
- Real-time visitor analytics
- Traffic source analysis
- Page performance metrics
- Visitor behavior insights
Data Storage
All data is stored securely in our cloud infrastructure:
- Encrypted at rest and in transit
- Retained according to your subscription plan
- Automatically deleted after retention period
- Backed up daily with secure encryption
Cookie Usage
Our service uses only essential cookies to:
- Generate anonymous visitor IDs
- Track session duration
- Prevent duplicate counting
GDPR Compliance
We are fully GDPR compliant:
- Data is processed lawfully and transparently
- Collected for specified, legitimate purposes
- Limited to what's necessary
- Kept accurate and up-to-date
- Stored only as long as necessary
- Processed securely and protected against unauthorized access
Data Subject Rights
Under GDPR, your website visitors have the right to:
- Access their personal data
- Rectify inaccurate data
- Request data erasure
- Object to data processing
- Request data portability